2012-07-12 - Release of Swogl 0.4.0 (alpha) - Added classes for describing the lighting in a SwoglApplication. Each SwoglApplication contains a LightSetup. Point lights, directional lights and spot lights may be added to or removed from a LightSetup. Default lights may be added to a light setup by calling LightSetups.addDefaultLights(swoglApplication.getLightSetup()); - Added a Material interface for SwoglComponents. The color and shininess of the material of a SwoglComponent may now be specified. - Added rendering backends for LWJGL and JOGL that use shaders instead of the fixed function pipeline - API: The CameraUtils#computeCameraMatrix(Camera) method actually computed a wrong matrix. Now there are corrected methods "computeCameraMatrix" and "computeViewMatrix" which compute the right matrices (where one is the inverse of the other). The methods in PickingUtils and the ArcballCameraBehavior class have been updated accordingly. 2011-08-15 - Release of Swogl 0.3.1 (alpha) 2011-08-09 - Release of Swogl 0.3 (alpha) 2011-06-23 - Release of Swogl 0.2 (alpha) 2009-08-20 - Release of Swogl 0.1 (alpha)